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Filter Ultra Violet (UV Sterilizer)

Ultra violet filter is a device used to remove or filter out microorganisms that are not required of the aquarium, such as bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses, algae and other pathogens, by exposing them to high intensity Ultra Violet rays. Ultra violet rays have the ability to affect the function of cells of living creatures by altering the cell nucleus material, or DNA, so that these creatures die.

Note there are 3 types of ultra violet filter; that is :
1) Tray type. In this case the UV lamp mounted in a reflector at the top of a container of thin (resembling tray / tray), and then the water flowed slowly through the container. Advantages: easy to clean, inexpensive, and can be made with a large size. Problem: The security risk to the eyes, the size is often too large for the size of the home.

2) Tube type, wet bulb. In this type of water streamed live around the lamp without a reflector mounted on a waterproof tube. Advantages: cheap, effective and compact. Problems: difficult to clean, the risk of electric shock (leaking).

3) Tube type, dry bulb. Similar to type 2), but is equipped with a glass tube (glass will block UV rays (C)) that isolate it from the water. This type is relatively more expensive but safer. Replacement bulbs can be done easily. In addition, it usually comes with tools to menbersihkan mucus from the glass tube.
Figure 8. UV sterilizer is equipped with cleaning makanisme

Watt suggested is 4-8 watts for 80-160 liter aquariums, 20-25 watts for aquarium 200-400 liter, and 40 watts for the aquarium is bigger than that. The use of UV filters is still’s controversial, partly akuaris assume that the use of UV filter is simply a waste of action, while others feel the benefit obtained from the use of this filter.

Nonetheless, the akuaris agree that if the aquarium kept in balance and well maintained, including implementing quarantine procedures for new residents, then the UV filter will not be necessary. Some considerations before deciding to use UV filters are:
a. Very effective when used continuously for 24 hours per day
b. Very effective if the water is always kept clear
c. Very effective if UVnya lights are new, or replaced regularly (every 6-8 months)
d. Very effective when UV rays only penetrate the water is less than 2.5 cm
e. Effectiveness will be reduced if the water that flows through it quickly (suggested minimum water illuminated for 2 seconds)
f. Can avoid the attack of pathogens, if the pathogen previously successfully eradicated
g. UV not only kill unwanted microorganisms, but also kill microorganisms useful
h. UV will kill the microorganisms that are a source of food for marine invertebrates
i. UV only kill microorganisms contained in water that pass through, thus jasar remains of microscopic pathogens contained in the body of the fish or are in the aquarium will not be affected
j. Should not be used in conjunction with medical treatment
k. UV can alter the structure of certain chemicals
l. UV can damage the human eye when the light is exposed directly to the eyes, or we see the UV rays.

Total Power Light Radiation
Total radiated power of light is a certain amount of light radiation received by an object every second. Total radiated power of light can be calculated by the equation:
D = I xt

Where :
D = the amount of radiated power
I = light intensity (microwatts / cm2)
t = time (seconds)

An ultra violet light has the properties can kill microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and protozoa). While the amount of radiation power of the ultra violet light is needed to kill a microorganism, known as the “Dose Zap”, after going through a study obtained the results as presented in Table 1. A Light filter Ultra Violet (UV) is designed properly will be able to giving the right dose, so that will provide benefits in managing a successful aquarium. Ultra violet light obtained from ultra violet light tube-shaped glass tube, when electricity would emit ultra violet light (light purplish).