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Lorong Planting System Advantages

Keep in mind that if the distance between rows of fences too close, the competition hedge against the main crop will be more subtle and if it is too rare, efficacy hedge resist erosion will be reduced.
Pruning and use of forages:
 – Plants were allowed to grow until the height of about 1.5 m (about six months old) before the cut for the first time. The next pruning can be done once in three months.
 – Pruning is done at a height of 50 cm above the ground.
 – Results cuts spread evenly in the aisle between rows of annuals.

  • Can contribute organic matter and nutrients, especially nitrogen for plants hallway.
  • Reducing the rate of runoff and erosion if hedgerows are planted tightly according to the contour lines.

Figure 13. Plant glicidia

Problems alley cropping:

  • Hedgerows take about 5-15% of the area normally used for crop / main crop. For that, it should be endeavored that hedgerows can provide immediate results. This can be done for example by using Gliricidia as a hedge and as well as a climbing stick to vanilla or pepper. Another way for example by planting pigeon pea as a hedge plant.
  • Often there is competition between hedgerows with the main plant to obtain nutrients, water, and light. The fix is to trim hedges regularly so that root growth is also limited.
  • Sometimes it happens alelopati influence and the development of pests or plant diseases that can interfere fence food crops.
  • The manpower required for the establishment and maintenance of hedgerows is quite high.