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Nekton Organisms

While the notion of nekton marine animals are nektonik scattered epipelagik zone on the open sea. Nekton is a nautical marine organisms that are beneficial for humans, especially for the improvement of the nutritional and economic improvement. Piles of carcasses nekton is the basic ingredient for the formation of sea minerals such as gas and oil after a lengthy process in a period of thousands and even millions of years.

Nekton (animal) marine mostly consists of three classes:
a) Vertebrates, form the largest contribution, these animals are also supported by bone or cartilage.
b) Mollusks, an animal such as squid and shellfish.
c) Crustaceans, are animals such as lobsters and crabs.
Pictures. Seahorses

Based on different groups of fish were found in the group nekton:
 Holoepipelagik
Holoepipelagik is a group of fish that spend all their time in the area epipelagik. This fish group includes certain sharks (shark, hammerhead, shark mackerel, blue shark), most of the flying fish, tuna, setuhuk, shark saws, lemuru, paddle fish, and others.
Pictures. Nekton Fish

 Meropilagik
Meropipelagik is a group of fish that spend most of his life in the area epipelagik. Meropelagik can be further subdivided based on the lifestyle of each organism, including:
 Organisms that spend most of his life in the area epipelagik, this group is diverse and includes fish who spent his adult life in epipelagik but spawn in coastal areas. For example: herring, commotion benign latitudes, dolpin, nuts.
 Organisms that just entered the area epipelagik at certain times, such as water-in a kind of fish lantern fish migrate to the surface at night to feed.
 Organisms that spend the beginning of their life cycle in epipelagik, but his adult life in other areas. For example: juvenile.

Some environmental conditions need to be considered because it gives a clear distinction to nekton and where adaptation occurs;
 sea is an area “three-dimensional” enormous.
 no solid substrate anywhere, so that these animals are always floating in the transparent medium without protection against potential predators. Therefore, there is no sanctuary for animals to move from one place to another horizontally.
 lack of substrate, which means the absence of strong support for the animal that most have meat that is denser than the surrounding sea water.

The combination of state of the three-dimensional and lack of obstacles, facilitate evolutionary adaptation for great mobility. The amount of mobility and the ability to travel far distances in turn lead to the development of the nervous system and senses (sensory) that will capture and process the necessary information to explore the area, finding and catching food, and to avoid predators.

Lack of protection and the large size of most nekton, also led to the development of high swimming speed to avoid predators and also to look for food. Camouflage is also the other businesses. Tersuspensinya state of the animal’s body nektonik the body density greater than the density of sea water is continuously led to the progressive development of various adaptations in order to stay afloat.