The growth of seaweed categorized in somatic growth and physiological growth. Somatic growth is growth as measured by weight gain, long thallus while the physiological growth seen by reproduction and koloidnya content. The growth rate is calculated according to the weight gain of the seeds planted and expressed as a percent per day.
Growth rates necessary to forecast production at harvest time. By looking at the growth rate can be determined differences in the results to be obtained by means of planting, a treatment or a different growing season (Soegiarto et al., 1978). The growth rate can be measured within a certain period. Fast or slow the growth of seaweed depending on the type of seaweed and environmental quality waters (Kadi and Atmaja, 1988).
In the growth of seaweed we know that the tool – a tool to grow – plants will be a big plus, the added length and branching – branch. The occurrence of such a case because there is propagation and growth of cells – the cells that make up the sea grass. The multiplication of cells – the cells can occur due to the division of cells – the cells that make up the seaweed. This cell division process starts with the point that subsequent cleavage division occurs plasma or cell division. In a cell division, there are three ways that amitosis, mitosis and meiosis.
Algae cell division in a way that cleavage amitosis directly. Cleavage is directly preceded by the decline of the cell nucleus, which in turn will facilitate the division, the cell divides into two or more parts. Results of cell division can be as large or not. This cleavage patterns that promote seaweed farmers do proliferation of seaweed by cuttings or fragmentation is considered easy and inexpensive.
Growth is also one biological aspects that must be considered. The size or weight of seaweed seedlings were planted very influential on the rate of growth of seaweed. Thallus seedlings originating from the end will give a growth rate higher than the seedlings thallus coming from the base. The rate of growth of seaweed which are considered quite beneficial if weight gain per day by 3%.
The growth of seaweed categorized in somatic growth and growth physiology. Somatic growth is growth as measured by weight gain or long-thallus, while the growth physiology of reproduction and content seen by koloidnya (Kamlasi, 2008).
Calculation of growth of seaweed can be done in several ways depending on its purpose. Here below is the formula for calculating the growth of seaweed:
a) the absolute growth, absolute growth calculation was done to determine the difference between the total and an increase of biomass of seaweed that have been planted. Weighing carried out under wet seaweed.
W = Wt – Wo
W = weight gain seaweed
Wt = weight of the final seaweed
Wo = initial weight seaweed
b) daily growth rate, daily growth rate calculation aims to determine the rate of growth of seaweed that happens every day, the higher the daily growth rate shows the growth of seaweed, the better.
G = daily growth rate (g / day)
Wt = weight of the end of seaweed (g)
Wo = initial weight seaweed (g)
t = time maintenance (days)
c) specific daily growth rate (Specific growt Rate / SGR), is widely used for the calculation of the scale of research because it uses exponential calculation so that it will get the value growth more specific.
G: growth rate in percent per day
Wn: weight of the plant after n days
Wo: weight initial plant
N: long maintenance (days)
d) The production of kelp, seaweed production yield calculation is done to determine the overall yields obtained and the level of production efficiency seaweed cultivated.
Pr = seaweed biomass production (g / m)
Wt = weight of the end of seaweed (g)
Wo = initial weight seaweed (g)
B = length of rope (m)
A = the number of points of planting