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Tuna Fish Handling Process

Stages tuna handling process is carried out as follows:
1) Demolition tuna
Ordinary tuna species landed are tuna yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and big eye tuna (Thunnus obessus). Tuna fish landed in the form of whole fish that have been weeded out the entrails and gills. Tuna fishing area includes Ocean waters of Indonesia, the northern coast of Java, and the waters south of Java up to Sulawesi. Tuna fishing vessel used was equipped with a cooling system refrigerated sea water (RSW).

Time spent at sea usually is 25 days to 6 months. The number of fish that successfully landed every time the operation was 100-600 tail tuna. The quality of the tuna fish can be maintained when the treatment is applied on a boat made with care, clean, fast and cold. Tuna landed in the cold, with a maximum temperature of fish is -20C (measurements using thermo cople).

2) Demolition
Demolition of fish from the hold vessel performed after the ship docked to the demolition. Fresh tuna unloading process conducted in the morning around 09.00 am until 14.00 pm. Demolition tuna done in two ways, namely using a pulley and rope. The process of removal of the fish one by one from the hold of ships and transferred to the deck, then the fish sprayed with clean water.

3) The transfer of tuna to transit
Tuna has been dismantled moved to a transit point that has been provided. Fish removal process required special facilities, the plastic roof and boards launcher. This facility to protect the fish from being exposed to direct sunlight, because the distance of the ship at the jetty with a transit point far enough fish that have been removed from the hatch lifted to the deck, transported one by one to board the launcher. Withdrawals made by two people, one person in charge of attracting fish to board the launcher and another man pushing the fish into the transit room.

4) Sorting (selection)
Sorting fish intended for classifying fresh tuna that meet the quality requirements of export. Factors that may cause such a difference is the difference in time of death, manner of death, handling, sanitation, long at sea as well as the application of the cold chain. The sorting process conducted organoleptic (sightings, skin, eyes, texture and elasticity of meat and meat color). Organoleptic assessment texture, elasticity and color, carried out on samples taken from fish meat and a tail section behind the ventral fins, it is intended to prevent physical damage to the tuna will be exported.
Figure 7. Process Sorting by Checker