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Drawing Man With The proportion

Humans are one of the objects in the drawing shapes, draw a very interesting man because human beings who have age, expression, character, motion, and so on. Several important thing that should be understood in drawing the human, namely: proportion, muscle, sex, and position (angle of view).

Before you start drawing people, should know the proportions of the human body first, which is the ratio between the head, body, and limbs. For men, women, and children have different proportions of the different, the proportion of the adult male body is higher than adult women. In theory the size of human height is determined by the number of times ukuram head. In general, the higher the size of Indonesia today at 7 times the height of the head, while the western (European) 7 ½ – 8 times the height of the head.

Figure 1:36. The proportion of the human body (Source: Mofit)

Drawing part of the human body
Parts of the human body is very good to practice drawing humans, common parts are often used mainly as an object image is the torso (body), head, and limbs (hands, feet, and so on.

Figure 1:37. Faces (Source: Agus Sachari)
Figure 1:38. Hand (Source: Agus Sachari)