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Job Acian

The next job is mengaci, to cover up the existence of natural fractures due to evaporation. Before the work acian started, first do the watering so acian easily attached to the stucco. When the work has been completed then acian equal treatment with stucco work. Acian allowed to stand several days in order to dry water content. After the drying, cracking will occur naturally called hair cracks.

Once the process is complete pengacian, further work is covered pari-pari or hair cracks. In general, the charcoal will be put on wall sealer (plamur shoot). Plamur shoot diluted with water. Then flattened on the surface of the wall by means of grading. Plamur shoot can be found in every taka-taka building with a variety of brands. In general, this material is widely used in Peru mahan township.

Plamur shoot this type is a bit expensive because the process will be time consuming so it adds to the cost of implementation. In addition, the time will be painting, the walls should be sanded first. Here, many found the presence of scars stripes grading tool (putty knife or other grading tool) so pengamplasannya will also take a lot of wear and sandpaper.

For those who still will wear this type of wall plamur there are some pretty good way to make a wall plamur cheaper and easy to make yourself.

Another way to coat cracks acian is wearing other types of wall plamur called under coat (base Iapisan). This material is produced by well-known paint manufacturers with different brands. Technically this type of material users would be more advantageous, because the implementation uses a paint roller wall. The material should be made seencer possible so that the field will be much more targeted. The process can be faster. The advantage will be able to reduce the cost of implementation.

Created dilute intended that all of these materials can perfectly fill the gaps cracks acian. When made condensed, consequently when the material dries it will rise to the surface cracks are cracks. In addition, more wasteful use of material. So will sanding work longer and extravagant sandpaper and increase the cost of construction.

Figure V-4, Results Plastering and acian