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Maintenance Electric Power Generation

Maintenance of equipment required to maintain efficiency. Keeping investment, maintain reliability, and maintain economic lives. Especially for power plants, the parts that require maintenance equipment mainly is:

a) The parts are shifted, such as: bearings, suction ring (piston ring), and hinges.
b) The parts that bring substances with different temperatures, such as: heat exchangers (heat exchangers) cran boiler.
c) electrical contacts in switches and electrical connector clamps.

The task of maintenance activities include:
a) Inspection (Inspection)
b) The technical (engineering)
c) Production activities (production)
d) The administrative (clerical work)
e) Maintenance of buildings (housekeeping)

Implementation requires the maintenance of facilities and equipment:
a) In line with the instructions of equipment or machinery (manual book), include:
∧ Usefulness of machinery or equipment
∧ capacity machine at a particular time or age
∧ How to wear or operate machinery and or equipment
∧ How to maintain and repair machinery and or equipment
b) With reference to the user guide, melputi:
∧ Efforts should be made in the use and maintenance of the machine at a certain time of the machine age
Use ∧ and machinery or equipment must be in accordance with the functionality or usability
∧ k ways of better teaching and technical maintenance and repairs to be done on the machine

The requirements necessary for the maintenance department can work efficiently are:
a) There should be data on machinery and equipment owned by the company.
b) There should be planning (planning) and schedule (scheduling).
c) There should be a letter writing task.
d) There should be alat-alat/sparepart inventory.
e) There should be a record.
f) There should be reporting, monitoring and analysis.

Efforts to ensure smooth maintenance activities are:
a) Increase the number of workers equipment maintenance section.
b) Using a preventive maintenance.
c) organized on a reserve in a production system at critical levels (critical units).
d) Efforts to make the workers on the maintenance as a component of the machinery and or equipment.