a) High Dam Is the distance from the foundation to the level of the reservoir at the time of construction of spillway water flow capacity planning, coupled with a high specific surveillance to boost wind, waves, ice and freezing power of motion earthquakes. b) Width Lighthouse Width mercu urugan dam must be strong enough to keep the line of the ...
Read More »Sampling Water Lake or Reservoir
Water sampling at the point of lake or reservoir is set according to the following provisions; On lakes or reservoirs with a depth of less than 10 m, water samples were taken from two points, namely at the surface and at the bottom of the lake / reservoir On lakes or reservoirs with depths between 10 m – 30 m, ...
Read More »Tekstur Tanah
Tekstur tanah adalah salah satu dari sifat sifta fisik tanah yang sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman dan sifat-sifat tanah lainnya. Secara keseluruhan sifat-sifat fisik tanah ditentukan oleh: Ukuran dan komposisi partikel-partikel hasil pelapukan bahan penyusun tanah; Jenis dan perbandingan komponen penyusun partikel tanah. Keseimbangan antara suplai air, energi dan bahan dengan kehilangannya. Intensitas reaksi kimiawi ...
Read More »Criteria Dam
a. function weir The function of the weir (weir), among others: 1) In a small discharge weir should close the river and raise the water level. 2) In a large discharge of water partially drawn and most will cross back weir, so this serves as a dam like peluap. b. Terms Construction weir 1) weirs must be stable (especially against ...
Read More »Preparation Phase Infiltration Wells
Stages as catchment wells are: – Getting started in the form of land preparation and ingredients. – Excavation is good for the well itself or tissue baerasal from the roof of the house. – Installation includes installation of concrete or brick bus and installation of water supply network from house to house. Installation of recharge wells can ...
Read More »Retaining and Control Dam
Dams are small dams water escaped with gabion construction crucuk stone or wood / bamboo made in the groove ravine with a maximum height of 4m. Retaining the benefits of DAM is to control sediment and surface water flow from the Watershed (Catchment Area) in the upstream as well as increase the ground water level in the downstream. Figure 30. ...
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