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Other Chemical Sanitaiser

Chlorine gas
Commonly used chlorine gas for disinfection of water vapor supply but can also be used in the food industry. The chlorine gas to be supplied in the water supply at a constant speed through a device that is khlorinator. Giving chlorine needs to be done over the “break point” (the turning point) of water; ie at the level where it needs chlorine from water (chlorine demand), a transcription factors, which depends mainly on the amount of suspended solids and organic materials; have been met.

Khloramin formed when producing ammonia compounds contained in the water and at higher doses of chlorine to be oxidized. After this, then “break point” is reached next sehingg any addition of chlorine will result in a residue of chlorine-free. The residue chlorine between 1 and 5 ppm concentration suitable for factory continuous chlorination system as “sprays” and “belts” (conveyor belt) and elevators; higher concentrations (10-20 ppm) may be required for the final disinfection of cooling water or cans.

Trisodium phosphate, chlorinated (CTSP)
CTSP or 4 (Na3PO4.11H2O) NaOCl provide buffer hypochlorite solution when dissolved in water. These compounds are relatively expensive seing mixed in powdered formula. Low levels of free chlorine (4%) and somewhat inactive when no organic material. Producer of bromine compounds, for example natriumbromida can be added to increase the bactericidal activity.

Inorganic chloramine is a compound formed from the reaction Worin with ammonia nitrogen, while organic chloramine is formed by the reaction of hypochlorous acid with amine, amide, imine or imide. Bacterial spores and vegetative cells more resistant to chloramine than hypochlorite. Chloramine T releases chlorine slower, so the effect is slow when compared hypochlorite turn it off.
Another chloramine compounds as effective as or more effective than hypochlorite to inactivate microorganisms. Sodium dikloroisosiamerat more active than sodium hypochlorite against E. coli.

Chlorine dioxide (ClO 2)
Chlorine dioxide is known to have a 2.5 times chlorine oxidizes power. These compounds are not as effective as chlorine at pH 6.5, but at pH 8.5 ClO2 is most effective. These properties indicate that ClO2 is less affected by alkaline conditions and organic matter, therefore suitable for the treatment of waste water.

Table 2. Sodium Hypochlorite and chloramine T as bactericidal compounds.
a) the test temperature, 10 ° C
b) test temperature, 20-25 ° C

When chlorine compounds are used in solution or on a surface where chlorine can react with cells, then this sanitaiser is bactericidal and sporisidal. Vegetative cells more easily destroyed than Clostridium spores, which are easier to shut down than the spores of Bacillus. Most lethal effects of chlorine compounds will increase with increasing available free chlorine, pH and fall, and rise in temperature.

However, the solubility of chlorine in the water down and korositas increases with rising temperature, and solutions with a high ion concentration or low pH can mengkaratkan metal.
o The advantage of chlorine compounds compared to other disinfectants are as follows:
o compounds are fast acting Chambers that will pass the test at a concentration of 50 ppm within 30 seconds,
o non-chlorine compounds that selectively turn off all kinds of vegetative cells,
o The use of the lowest cost compared to other sanitaiser (when used chlorine compounds are cheap), and
o flushing equipment after use is generally not required and, when not needed, it is not recommended.

The following is a disadvantage of using these compounds:
o sanitaiser unstable namely rather quickly dissipated by heat or by contamination with organic matter;
o compounds are highly corrosive to stainless steel and other metals; and
o time limited contact with food handling equipment is very important, especially on any type of equipment food or food handlers (chlorine should not be in contact with any metal for more than 20 to 30 minutes due to the possibility of corrosion).