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Classification of Consumer Goods

In addition based on durability, the products are also classified by whom and for what products consumers are consumed. Based on these criteria, the product can be divided into consumer goods (consumer’s goods) and industrial goods (industrial’s goods). Consumer goods are goods that are consumed for the benefit of the final consumer’s own (individual and household), not for business purposes. Generally consumer goods can be classified into four types, namely convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty goods, and unsought goods.

This classification is based on consumer habits in the shop, which is reflected in the following three aspects
(A) the work done on a consumer’s decision to purchase,
(B) attributes – attributes that consumers use in the purchase, and
(C) the frequency of purchase.

1 Convenience Goods
Convenience goods are goods which generally have a high purchase frequency (often purchased), it takes any time soon, and only requires minimum effort (very small) in the comparison and purchase. Examples include cigarettes, soap, toothpaste, batteries, candy, and newspapers. Convenience goods themselves may still be classified into three types, namely staples, impulse goods and emergency goods.

a. Staples are goods that consumers buy regularly or routinely, such as soap and toothpaste.
b. Impulse goods are goods that are purchased without prior planning efforts or look for it. Usually impulse goods available and on display in many places scattered, so that consumers do not have to bother looking for it. For example, candy, chocolate, magazines. Usually impulse goods on display near the cash register in a supermarket or a strategic place.
c. Emergency goods are goods purchased if the consumer feels an urgent need, such as umbrellas and raincoats in the rainy season.

2 Shopping Goods
Shopping goods are goods that in the process of selecting and purchasing by consumers than among the various alternatives available. The comparison criteria include price, quality, and model of each item. Examples appliance household appliances, clothing, and furniture. Shopping goods composed of two types, namely homogeneous and heterogeneous shopping goods shopping goods.
a. Homogeneous shopping goods are goods that consumers are considered similar in quality but different enough in price. Thus, consumers trying to find the cheapest price by comparing the prices in the store with other stores Examples include tape recorders, TVs and washing machines.

b. Heterogeneous shopping goods are goods that characteristic aspects or characteristics (features) are considered more important to consumers than the price aspect. W ith other words, consumers rnempersepsikannya different in terms of quality and atribut.Contohnya household items, furniture, and clothing.

3 Specially Goods
Specialty goods are goods that have the characteristics and / or identification of a unique brand in which a group of consumers are willing to make a special effort to buy it. Generally, the type of specialty item consists of luxury goods with brands and specific models, such as the Lamborghini cars, clothes designed by famous designer (for example, by Christian Dior and Versace), Nikon cameras, and others.

4. UnsoughtGoods
Unsouqht goods are goods that are not known to the consumer or if already known, but is generally not thought to buy it. There are two types of unsouqht goods, ie goods and now regularly unsought unsought goods.
a. Regularly unsought products are items that have actually been there and known to consumers, but not thought to buy it. For example encyclopedias, life insurance, tombstones, burial grounds.
b. New unsought products are goods that completely new and totally unknown consumers. This kind of stuff is the result of innovation and new product development, so that not many consumers who know.

Every company needs to understand that the criteria of a product, including the type which, depending on each individual. You might think of TV as good shopping, so to buy a TV it will go to several stores before deciding to buy what brand TV. However, for someone might be a specialty good TV and he just wanted to give Sony TV.

Classification of the product to a consumer goods may change with the length of a product is available in the market. For example, when first introduced, a Sony tape recorder specialty goods. Today, with the increasing number of other brands, the tape recorder has a good shopping for various community groups.