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Venn Diagram

One way to make it easier to describe the relationship between the variables in the boolean algebra is to use a Venn diagram. This diagram consists of a quadrangle inside painted circles represent variables, one circle for each variable. Each circle was named by the variable represents. Determined that all points outside the circle was not owned by these variables.

For example, a circle with the name of A, if the circle is said to be worth 1, then beyond a said to be worth 0. for two circles that overlap, there are four areas within the quadrilateral.

Venn diagrams can be used to describe the boolean algebra postulate or to prove entry into force of Boolean algebra. The following figure shows that the area is owned by AB is located in the loop A so that A + A = A.
The following figure, shows the distributive law A (B + C) = AB + AC


In the circle appears three overlapping circles, one for each of the variables A, B and C. so it is possible to distinguish eight separate area in the venn diagram with that variable. In this case the law distributiv proved by showing that the area that intersects the circle A with an area that includes B or C is the same area which is owned by AB or A.