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Sizes Quantities and Units

1. The quantity and unit of length

Long magnitude has units of meters with the symbol (m). According to the approval of the General Conference des Poid et Mesures / CGPM 11th 1963. The long-distance meter is a unit that is 1,650,763.73 times the wavelength in vacuum of the radiation krypton-86 atom.


Figure 1.2 length measuring instrument

2. The quantity and unit mass
Has a mass scale with the symbol kilograms (kg). According CGPM 1st 1901. The standard kilogram is a unit of mass equal to the mass of prototype / sample kilogram made of platinum iriudium material stored in the body weight and size of the International, in Severs near Paris.

3. The quantity and unit of Time
The amount of time to have seconds. One second is the time required by the Cesium atom to vibration as much as 9,192,631.77 times, then the time is divided into periods are repeated: seconds, minutes, hours and then days, weeks, months and years.

4. The quantity and unit kercepatan
kercepatan is the amount of a derivative that has the unit m / s, kercepatan is the distance traveled per unit of time, for example kercepatan motor vehicle which has units of km / h, the velocity of the lathe chisel which has units of m / min. Formulated speed:


Description :
V = speed in units of m / s
t = time in seconds (s)
S = distance in units of m


Figure 1.3 Magnitude speed

5. The quantity and unit of effort
If on an object work force F (N) and the object is moving sejarak S (m) then on it has been an attempt by W = FXS (Nm) The business is the amount of derivatives that have the unit Nm or joules, business is defined as force times distance ,


Figure 1.6 Magnitude of a business

Business equation:
W = FXS (Nm)
W = Work in units Nm or joule
F = Force in N
S = distance in units of m

6. Magnitude and power units
Power is defined as the effort per unit of time, if at an object work force F (N) and the object is moving sejarak S (m) at time t (seconds) then the power required by P = W / t = (FXS) in units ( nm / s) or (watts). Power is the amount of derivatives that have the unit Nm / s or joules / s or (watts).


P = FV
Description :
o P = power in watts
o W = Work in units Nm or joule
o F = force in N
o S = distance in units of m
o V = velocity in units of m / s
ot = time in seconds (s)

7. Magnitude and acceleration unit
Acceleration is the amount of derivatives that have units of m / s2, the acceleration is the change of velocity per unit of time, for example, the acceleration of gravity, known as gravity, gravity is denoted with the letter g magnitude is measured above sea level which is 9.80600 m / s2 or 32.169 ft / s2. Acceleration formulated:


For objects moving at speed irregular force equation:
Vt = Vo + at


satuam oa = Acceleration in m / s2.
ov = speed in units of m / s
ot = Time in seconds (s)
o S = distance in units of m
o Vo = initial speed m / s
o The current speed Vt = t seconds (final velocity) m / s

8. The quantity and unit of force
Style is the amount of a derivative that has Newtons with the symbol N. The style of the Newton is the force acting on an object with a mass of 1 kg and cause acceleration of 1 m / s2. Or by the equation:
F = ma
Description :
o F = Force in N (newton)
om = mass in kg unit
oa = Acceleration in units of m / s2.