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Understanding Viscometer

Viscometer is a great tool for measuring the viscosity of a liquid. There are several related components viscometer, among others:
A. Ball Viscometer or Falling sphere viscometer.
Kenematik large viscosity is as high as the speed of the ball falling h divided by the density of the liquid being measured. (See figure 1)
Figure 1. Falling sphere viscometer

Figure 2. Capilary viscometer

B. Viscosity margins.
The purpose of viscosity margins are the boundaries of the upper and lower need to know. Due to the viscosity is too low will result in a small lubricating power, power is small so easily leak sealing. Whereas if the viscosity is too high will also increase friction in the liquid so that it requires a higher pressure.

Table limits are ideal viscosity

C. capillary viscometer
And measures are as follows: (see figure 2) hydraulic fluid to be measured is poured through a hole to the container E in which the temperature is set. C through capillary liquid is sucked up to ride on a pumpkin D until the line L1, then all the holes closed. To measure it, go together holes A, B and C and calculate the time taken by the fluid to go down to L2. The time indicates the viscosity of the fluid. The more viscous hydraulic fluid will be more time to get down and mean greater viscosity.

Equality between the fourth unit system

D. Viscosity-pressure characteristics.
It is also important to know because the pressure increases, also increases the viscosity index. Figure 4 below shows the pressure characteristic viscosity diagram.
Figure 4. pressure characteristic viscosity