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Definitions and Type Sandpaper

(1) Definition of Sandpaper
Sandpaper is one of the tools used for leveling and smoothing a workpiece such as wood, steel, walls and others.

(2) Specifications Sandpaper
Specifications vary widely sandpaper seen from the shape, function, size, and material. As for the kinds of sandpaper are as follows:
(A) Sandpaper Paper

Emery paper usually for leveling and smoothing a product made of wood and iron.
 – Sandpaper paper is water proof is in the process can pengerjaanya mengg unakan water.
 – Sandpaper paper has a brand assortment, namely:
– Sikent
– Kinka
– Yamastar
– Reiner
– Knight and so on.
 – Sandpaper paper has a number CC-80-1000 CW and typically use multiples of 20.

(B) Sandpaper Cain.
 – Sandpaper fabric normally used for leveling and smoothing a workpiece, commonly used on the walls.
 – Sandpaper fabric also has brands that include a variety of
– RRB and Playing whed
 – Abrasive cloth had the 0-3 numbers the coarser amplasnya more expensive.
 – Sandpaper fabric in the form of meter that notion, yamastar, sikent, waste and so on.

(C) Type and Level Sandpaper
 – Sandpaper rough 80 s / d 150. coarse sandpaper is usually used to smooth the surface of the workpiece in the early stages of smoothing a workpiece.
 – Sandpaper was 150 s / d 180 Sandpaper was usually used to flatten the workpiece after the rough sand.
 – Sandpaper fine 180 s / d 240 fine sandpaper is usually used to smooth the workpiece to be Difinising.