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Origin of Adhesive Materials

Adhesive or glue is a material to bind bendabenda or other materials, such as wood, through the surface (adhesion / attachment) or often referred to as laminating or lamination job. Adhesion has been known since ancient times, which is about the year 1500 before Christ. At that time, the Egyptians have been using Gum Arabic and egg white as glue. Later developed into starch as an adhesive, but the adhesive material is not resistant to moisture and to mold and other bacteria that easily decompose.

In 1930 began to use synthetic materials as the manufacture of adhesive or glue. This adhesive material is resistant to moisture and other bacteria. Phenol-formaldehyde is a synthetic material (synthetic resin) was first used for the adhesive and are widely used in the timber industry and the manufacture of plywood. Then came urea- formaldehyde and resorcinol formaldehyde, and others.

Good adhesive is the adhesive used for laminating when they are strong enough and the same color as the laminated wood.  Factors that influence adhesion, among others, is the cleanliness of the surface, the state of the surface, and pressure.

Adhesive Material Type
Judging from the type, there are two types of adhesive materials, namely adhesive (glue) is a water-based; and adhesive (glue) based hardener. In the laminating work or laminates, adhesives can be applied on top of a highly conditional. That is, that these adhesive materials will depend on several things, namely materials / wood what will be laminated; where it will be used; and how large a force to be borne by the woodwork.

As an example of work laminated to manufacture basic materials of wood guitar Aghatis which are exported to Europe / America. Then this will not work if using adhesive (glue) water based. Why is that ? Based on the theory that the adhesion turns gluing plays an important role in technology, ranging from glue children’s toys, household appliances, furniture, and construction timber up tools supersonic transport.

Adhesives division is divided into several parts primarily consist of natural adhesive materials and natural adhesive materials. Natural adhesive materials derived from animal, vegetable, and mineral. Some adhesive materials derived from animal origin is Albumen, Casein, Shellac, Beeswax and Kak (Animal Glue). Some adhesive materials derived from plants is a Natural Damar, Gum Arabic, Protein, Starch, Dextrin and Natural Rubber. Some adhesive material is derived from mineral Silicate, Magnesia, litharge, Bitemen, and Asphalt.

Pereket synthetic materials derived from Elastomers, Thermoplastic and Thermosetting. Some adhesives are derived from Elastomeradalah Chloropene Poly, Poly Urethane, Silicon Rubber, Polisoprene, Poly sulphide, and Butyl Rubber. Some adhesives are derived from Thermoplastic is Ethyl Cellulose, Poly Vinyl Acetate, Poly Vinyl Aalcohol, Poly Vinyl Chloride, Poly Acrylate, and Hotmelt. Some adhesives are derived from Thermosetting is Urea Formaldehyde, Epoxy Polyamide, and Phenol Formaldehyde.