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Role of Endogenous and Exogenous Power On Clay

An estimated two billion years ago large natural energy started to change on the Earth’s surface rocks feldspatik. An interaction between the Earth’s atmosphere containing gas with the earth’s surface will provide mutual influence. By the time the Earth cooled, the water vapor in the atmosphere in the form of gas begin to condense and there was rain. Rain water then fills the ocean basins formed and give effect to the land surface has a higher surface lines.

Water is one of the important factors that could alter the earth’s surface. Water can dissolve rocks in large quantities. For millions and even billions of years, water has eroded mountains and valleys flatten. Presence of mineral salts in the ocean whose number is estimated 1500 billion tons of proven that so much water that erodes the power of rock and dissolving alkaline materials and other minerals that have been eroded, and passes to places lower and eventually to the ocean.
Figure 4. landscape, clay occurs from the highlands to the seaside

Water can also split the rocks in a way to infiltrate into crevices. In winter the temperature reaches about 0 ° C, the water that was in the crevices of the rock will break down eventually freezes and expands earlier rocks into smaller pieces. Besides water, the plant can also destroy hard rock. Through the power of propagation, roots can enter crevices in the rocks and growth tends to break up the stone into smaller units.

Wind and Glacier is also regarded as a great natural power and can move fine clay mineral weathering results feldspatik to tampat away from the parent rock.