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Safety Use of Materials

Some raw materials used in the ceramics industry has a level of toxicity which different. Lead, asbestos, arsenic, and barium is a material widely recognized as a substance that most potential to cause poisoning if inhaled or swallowed. The effect that can be caused by toxic substances in general is a disorder of the respiratory tract, skin inflammation, nerve damage, and can even cause paralysis.
Picture 55. The symbols relating to the hazardous properties of materials
Here’s a list of substances that are toxic ceramics in general. The materials relating to the processing of clays also should receive attention.

1. Aluminum
Aluminum dust inhalation can cause inflammation of the airways, and if it happens continuously for long periods will cause disease emphysema and pneumothorax associated with lung diseases and respiratory tract. Disease, these catergories as Aluminosis disease is a lung disease because of dust Alumina.

2. Antimony
Antimony inhaled dust can cause severe skin inflammation (dermatitis), inflammation of the lining of the eye (Conjunctivis) and inflammation of the nose (nasal septum ulceration).

3. Arsenic
Arsenic and its salts are highly toxic material, which is chronic poisoning can cause malfunction of the liver and kidneys, removes the pigment of the skin, herpes disease (a kind of skin disease), and inflammation of the digestive tract. When it can lead to acute stroke and death.

4. Asbestos
Is a mineral that is fibrous and resistant to heat. Inhaled asbestos fibers can cause asbestosis disease associated with respiratory diseases, lung and cancer. 5. Almost all of Barium Barium compounds are toxic if inhaled or swallowed Barium dust can cause severe diarrhea, tremor (Consulsive Tremors) and paralysis of the muscles.

6. Bismuth
Subnitrat materials used as colorant Luster, if this material is inhaled vapors can cause headaches great

7. Borax
All borax compound soluble in water, Borax compound when inhaled or ingested can cause vomiting, diarrhea, shivering and drunk

8. Cadmium
Cadmium as a yellow dye which is soluble in weak acid that is not used in the glaze tableware drink. This substance when ingested can cause vomiting, diarrhea, can not breathe with a perfect (Chocking) and when inhaled can cause cough, dizziness, vomiting and severe fatigue.

9. Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide from burning oil or wood that is not perfect, in a confined space Carbon Monoxide heavy smoke will be concentrated, and if inhaled can cause dizziness, weakness and drunk. In the acute situation can cause unconsciousness and death due to oxygen deficiency.

10. Chlorine
Chlorine in the form of gas is a heavy gas that comes out of the furnace in the combustion process with salt glaze. Chlorine gas concentrations are greater when contaminated can cause inflammation of the skin and the lining of the respiratory tract.

11. Cobalt
Cobalt when contaminated can cause inflammation of the skin and may cause symptoms of distress.

12. Feldspar
Feldspar dust containing free silica when inhaled can cause weakening of the body mechanism which is a symptom of disease silicosis.

13. Fiberglass
As with asbestos, fiberglass can cause inflammation of the skin in case of direct contact and when inhaled causes inflammation of the respiratory tract and lungs.

14. Iron Chromate
Iron Chromate dust inhalation can cause inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).

15. Kaolin (China clay)
Kaolin and other materials such as Ballclay, Fireclay, Stoneware containing free silica is a potential cause silicosis disease hazards are the type of lung disease caused by silica dust that settles in the body.

16. Lead (Lead)
Almost all compounds except Lead Lead is a poison that difrit. Lead dust inhalation would be very dangerous, use cutlery drink glazed with raw materials continuously Lead can cause poisoning. Lead is soluble in food or drinks will spread to the bloodstream, causing nausea, to vomiting, anorexia, shaking and can cause damage to the nerves of the brain and cause death.

17. Lithium Compounds
Lithium if swallowed can cause brain damage

18. Mangaan
Manganese dust inhalation can cause drowsiness great and if ongoing can cause paralysis

19. Mika
Mica dust when inhaled can cause inflammation of the respiratory tract.

20. Nickel
Nickel compounds when exposed directly to the skin can cause disease Dematitis (skin inflammation).

21. Silenium
Silenium used as a red dye at a temperature of 10400C, when the contaminated body can cause symptoms of distress (depression) and inflammation of the skin.

22. Silica
Mineral silica as a stand-alone as well as free silica in the clay Feldspar or others if inhaled or ingested can cause lung diseases such as chronic asthma, coughing up blood and so on.

23. Stanium chloride
Materials used for fumigation in the furnace to obtain a pearl color, when exposed to fumes can injure eyes and eye membranes if inhaled can injure the lining of the respiratory tract.

24. Uranium
Uranium salts are highly toxic material when inhaled or ingested in a long time can cause bruising of the skin disease, kidney damage, cancer, and cause of death.

25. Vanadium Pentoxi
Vanadium pentoxide as a source of yellow color when inhaled can cause inflammation of the respiratory tract and skin inflammatory diseases.

26. Zinc Oxide
Zinc Oxide in the form of dust or vapor when inhaled can cause respiratory diseases.