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Wood Resin As Materials Furniture

This amber wood has a density ranging between 0:36 ~ 0.64 (Martawijaya et al, 1986) and has been used as components of musical instruments, furniture, pulp and paper, as well as industrial raw materials light aircraft (Surjokusumo 1992). However, the use of wood Damar not separate the normal wood and compressed wood, so wood ultrastructure research on wood press Damar needs to be done to determine differences in anatomical structure and its effects on their physical properties.

The macroscopic properties of wood press is very different from the normal properties of wood and wood press defects generated a lot of losses. Besides the ultra-structure research wooden press is still rarely done, especially in Indonesia.

Pictures. 1 The part of the stem
1. Root
2. Trunk
3. Branch
4. Branches and
5. Leaves
a. The base, generally eyeless wood and can be used as wood carpentry good
b. Middle and end, has a wooden eye. This section is generally used

Wood as a construction material and Furniture
Selection and use of wood for something for your intended use, requires a knowledge of the properties of wood are concerned, notably: a heavy type, grade durable, and powerful class. These properties are important to know every person who engaged in the field of industry and wood processing, because of the knowledge of these properties not only to choose the type of wood right and wide usage possible, but also can be determined the possibility of charging by the type of wood the other, if the species concerned is difficult to come by continuous or too expensive.

Often occurs selection and use some kind of wood that is not appropriate because it does not comply with its properties. Of course in this case the results will not be satisfactory. Materials, labor costs and time wasted to the detriment of the company. Indonesia’s forests have the potential ± 4000 species of woody trees scattered throughout the archipelago. Of these only a small portion are known properties.

To know the name of the wood can be of a common name in the trade or botanical name within the classification system of plants (scientific name), namely: SPECIES (types) and FAMILIA (tribe). The scientific name for the species (species) consists of two words. The first word indicates the clan name (genus), while the second word indicates that type. Generally, the full scientific name accompanied by the name of the person who first gave the right name for the type in question.

For example: Pinus Jungh et de Vr. (Tusam), the meaning is as follows: Pinus = surname, merkusii = name types, Jung et de Vr. = Name of the person who gave the name “merkusii”. (Tusam = tradename). Pinus Jungh et de Vr. Pinaceae belong to the tribe. Sometimes the name of the person who gave the name of the type of full tidakditulis, but abbreviated, for example: Santalum album L. (Sandalwood).

Trade name of the type of wood that is displayed is often a kind of botanical name for a group of more than satuyang has the characteristics and properties of wood are almost the same, so that behind the clan name is not written the name of a certain type, but written spp or spec. div. for example: Alstonia Alstonia spp or spec. div. (Pulai). Pulai is the name for a group of four botanical species in the genus Alstonia namely: Alstonia angustiloba Miq., Alstonia pneumatophora Back, and Alstonia scholaris R. Br.