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How Death Fish

Fish that struggled in the face lethal, decompose faster than the fish that die quietly and quickly, because phase of rigor mortis occurs prematurely. In fish that spend a lot of energy due to hit the net / rod, then the change in glucose asetyl take place quickly so that the reaction occurring anaerobic resulting in the formation of lactic acid will change the atmosphere of the network to acid and oxidation of hemoglobin into methaemoglobin so the color of the blood of the fish to fade, also the denaturation (the color of the meat becomes turbid), a mushy texture because of the destruction of collagen.

Preferably, a fishing tools should facilitate the catching manner, so as to provide the possibility of a small resistance against the catch before death.

1) The length of the fish are in the water
At the time of related fish hook or net, until the time appointed of the water is affected by the temperature of sea water so that the quality deterioration will run faster

2) The temperature of sea water
Tropical regions, the average temperature of the sea water is high enough between 23.9 ° C – 29.3 ° C one type of fish (tuna) does not have the regulatory mechanisms of body heat and the temperature is around 7.8 ° C above sea water , so that if it is not quickly sprayed with sea water and cooled, then the rate of decay will go faster.

3) The biology
The fish are fed (feedy fish) contains many enzymes in the stomach contents and quickly parse that affects the muscles around the belly meat. This phenomenon leads to burn belly (abdominal Hirst) and terbusai abdomen (belly torn and belly burst), so handling should be fast and careful. On the condition of the fish were spawning, the enzyme is in an active state once, so if caught must be immediately addressed and cooled. This will affect the speed of deterioration when compared to fish caught in the normal state. One attempt to solve it by using selective fishing gear or set the time and place of capture.

4) The time factor and temperature during handling
During treatment, the fish will be in touch with the outside air temperature is high enough and physical damage due to the rough treatment will accelerate the deterioration of quality. Care must be fast, be careful to apply the cold chain. High temperatures during processing, the duration of treatment is a factor that can accelerate the activity of bacteria, so the handling of the room temperature must be adjusted to the type of products handled. Speed ​​degradation mainly products fillet / loin is more sensitive to rising temperatures.

5) worker hygiene factor
Transmission of dirt to being processed fishery products, especially products fillet / loin will increase the number of bacteria on the material being processed. Therefore, sanitation and hygiene factors which include hygiene equipment, indoor workplaces, adjuvants that intersect with the products, the worker / employee and others that allow the transmission of the products should be properly addressed