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Land Rehabilitation Sleep

Damage to land or lots of land degradation in dry land, especially in parts of the planted crops and smallholder agriculture. Degradation of land because land is often open by the work of tilling and weeding clean so easily eroded soil. The utilization of barren land into agriculture is not economical because productivity is so low. Until now, efforts to restore land productivity has slipped yet many do when their area is increasing.

With the ever increasing population in the watershed area of land rehabilitation work needs to be done, namely restoration of barren land productivity in order to become productive again. Degraded land caused by erosion by rainwater. Erosion is itself caused by factors of climate, topography, vegetation, soil conditions and human activities. West Java has high rainfall, land slope. When the wood grown on land cleared the heavy rainfall hit directly a bare soil surface.

Regardless of the soil particle aggregates and carried away by surface runoff (run off) down until diindapkan marbles in the estuaries. Drifting soil containing substances essential nutrient for plants. Thus what is left is subsurface (sub-soil) or the parent materials are not fertile and not a good growing medium for agriculture. Experts say that for the formation of topsoil (top oil) as thick as 2.5 cm takes 30 -300 years.

Degraded land is defined as land that suffered physical damage process, chemistry and biology as they are inconsistent usage and capabilities, which ultimately jeopardize the hydrological function, orologis, agricultural production, housing and socio-economic and environmental areas of influence. In a period of 7 years the fields have been reduced by 337 058 ha, or about 9% and 124 738 ha of forest land reduced or stay 19% longer. Based on the monitoring of the Landsat standing timber in West Java is actually a 9% again. Degraded land has been a national disaster.

Ongoing soil degradation resulting in critical lands teklah even develop into the ground die as often found in the area Maja. Majalengka. Die hard soils to be restored again because the top soil and sub oilnya has eroded, which appear on the surface layer of living parent (parent material). Land rehabilitation in 2003 the central government has launched the National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation (GNRHL).

West Java Provincial Government has also been rolling program Critical Land Rehabilitation Movement (GRLK) in which all stakeholders should participate actively in West Java to save natural resources in West Java that is priceless. Rehabilitation of degraded land in West Java will have a positive impact on hydrology, orologi, ecological, economic and social policies.

Rehabilitation of degraded land requires careful planning of specific aspects of the technology to be used, the type of crop selection, crop yield will be used, the pattern of empowering local communities, the legal instruments necessary to make the movement more effective and prevent the spread of the new critical area. Jawa Barat wants to restore the economic conditions over the six core-business with agribisnes as towing locomotive from the other five core-business. Agribisness has been used as hopes for an economic recovery in west Java.

Agribisness development relies heavily on the fertility of forest resources, adequate water supply throughout the season, as well as the domestic market is open to domestic products. But in fact the domestic market met outside the agribusiness production, because the quality is better and the prices are quite competitive. Issue of degraded land and uncultivated land in West Java has emerged to the surface to be a problem when natural disasters such as floods and droughts in the midst of socio-economic conditions of society are ailing.

Soil and water resource on which the hopes for economic recovery through agribusiness turned out to have been relegated. At the same time the supply of electrical energy derived from hydropower to drive the industry became threatened when the water supply in the dry season is reduced. This study is intended to analyze the technical factors, socio-economic, socio-cultural dankebijakan which is able to stop the expansion of critical land in an uncontrolled manner.

To study is also expected to assist in finding the right method, both from the aspect of technology, specific locations, as well as from social and economic aspects, through community empowerment beneficiary (beneficiary) who didasarka on culture and local wisdom, in the framework of the implementation of the program Critical Land Rehabilitation in West java. The study results can be used as an ingredient on the West Java Provincial Government in order to draft regulations utilization of degraded land and uncultivated land through community empowerment in accordance with the culture and local wisdom.