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Soil Processing With Making Biophory

When tillage combined with the soil conservation biopori hole will go well, because the water that originally infiltrated difficult it will be easier to seep down. Biopori a hole made with a diameter of 10 cm and depth of 100 cm covered / filled organic waste which serves to trap / catch / hold water flowing around it so it can be a source of water supply for underground water, vegetation in the vicinity and can also help weathering of organic waste into compost that can be used for fertilizer plants.

When examined biopori technique is similar to garbage pits / jugangan (Javanese) made the village area of Yogyakarta or Central Java. Jugangan is often made to rubbish containers that fall from the trees in the garden around the house. Often people make jugangan on the eve of the rainy season. Once filled with garbage and covered with earth and planted with trees, bananas and other-lai on a rainy day has arrived.

Objectives / Functions / Benefits / Role Hole Infiltration Biopori / LRB:
– Make the water soak into the ground thereby increasing the ground water.
– Create natural composting of organic waste rather than burned.
– Reduce the puddles that cause diseases.
– Reduce the useless rain water discharged into the sea.
– Reduce the risk of flooding in the rainy season.
– Maximizing the role and activity of soil flora and fauna.
– Preventing soil erosion and landslides.

Points that can be created / installed water catchment biopori hole:
– On the pedestal channel rain water around the home, office, school, etc. Around the tree.
– On the vacant lot between plants / plant boundary.

How Biopori Hole Making Water Absorption:
 – Make a hole in the ground cylindrical with a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 100 cm or more. Atar distance between holes between 100-200 cm.
 – The mouth of the hole could be reinforced by cement thickness of 2 cm and a width of 3 -5 cm to the outskirts of the hole does not collapse as well as the security given in the form of woven wire to keep the water enter bore but does not compact and avoid small children or people are mired.
 – pit is filled with organic waste such as leaves, kitchen waste, tree branches, non-chemical kitchen food waste, etc. Trash in the hole will shrink so it needs to be recharged and at the end of the dry season can be drained compost as a natural fertilizer.
 – The amount of absorption wells which exist should be calculated based on a great little rain, infiltration rate of water and areas that do not permeate the water with the formula = rainfall intensity (mm / h) x wide field watertight (sqm) / infiltration rate of water perlubang (liters / hour).
Figure 19. Biopori