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Charging Electric In Capacitors

We can also charge the capacitor by connecting a capacitor to a voltage source (battery) within the specified time as shown below:

Capacitors at the beginning (t = 0) we consider empty of electric charge, then menuruthukum Kirchoff apply:
E – IR – VC = 0
with Vc is a potential difference in the capacitor, because V = Q / C, then:


Picture capacitor charging curve shows that at t = 0 the charge on the capacitor is empty and then continuously growing up towards a certain maximum value. At the time of the capacitor will have the opposite charge polarization with E. battery charge on the capacitor charging curve is not linear.

If we want to know the behavior of electric current during capacitor charging can be done by describing the young mathematical formula as follows:

The phenomenon is shown in the following figure. Once fully charged, the capacitor has a polarization direction (positive-negative) opposite to the polarity of the voltage source that influence it.

3:45 Picture charging curve Voltage Capacitors

Of everyday phenomena, for example, when you turn off an electrical appliance for example, the power supply for note book containing capacitors in them, visible pilot lamp that is on the power supply does not die immediately, but often have to wait a while and then he went out. This phenomenon occurs because as we discussed above, that the current flowing in a capacitor takes time to empty the cargo until it is completely empty (zero current). Therefore, you should be more careful when holding the two terminal capacitor, because the voltage although there may still have been removed from the voltage source.