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Moving Electrons Style

As you already know, that the electric charge generating force in the electric field, the opposite atidak jik will accelerate particles contained in the electric charge. Let us examine Figure 1:19 (a). What’s interesting about this phenomenon is the work done to move the charge in the electric field. If the efforts of one joule is needed to drive the charge Q, amounting to one coulomb from position 0 to position 1 and position 1 has a potential of one volt to position 0; then 1 V = 1 J / C.

The electric potential is able to do business because of the period (m) as shown in Figure 1:19 (b), in which the period (m) raised against the force of gravity (g) height (h) on a flat surface. Ejergi potential (mgh) represents the ability to conduct business when the period (m) released again. Because of the period (m) falls, the case and the acceleration potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.


1:19 Effort Moving images for Electron

Potential differences in English voltage or often people refer to as the power supply voltage is the work done to move a charge (amounting to one coulomb) on the element or component of a terminal / pole to terminal / other poles, or at both terminals / poles will have potential difference if we move / remove a charge of one coulomb from one terminal to another terminal.

The linkage between the actual work done is the energy expended, can be shortened so that the above understanding that the voltage is the energy per unit charge. Mathematically written:


There are two ways of analyzing the potential difference, namely: (a) the voltage drop (voltage drop), and the voltage rise (voltage rise). For practical applications, commonly used is the second sense that the voltage drop, which when viewed from a higher potential to lower potential in this regard from the terminal A to terminal B.


Pictures 1:20 Different Electric Potential

If we use the term voltage drops, then if the potential difference between the two points is equal to 5 volts, then the VAB = 5 Volts and VBA = -5 volts. The voltage rise is used if deemed of lower potential to a higher potential in this regard from the terminal B to the terminal A. Back to the initial problem, the law states that the electric charge similar charge will repel each other. Consequently, there is a jolt or styles, as a result of attraction of two different electric charge.

We refer to this as a jolt of attraction force of an electric field. When two different charges connected through a conductor, the excess electron at one side will flow to the point where there is a shortage of electrons. But if the two charges by connecting through an insulator, which can not drain the electron, then the excess electron at one side can not move. Throughout the electron can not flow, the magnitude of the electric field between the two ends of the charged and isolation will increase.

As a result, the voltage between the two ends of the charged-called electric pressure. This electric pressure may be even greater. After its limit is exceeded, the strength of the insulator can no longer hold the excess electrons, so electrons will move burst through the insulator to the other. Electric pressure that causes electrons to flow, commonly called stress. Voltage is an electric potential difference or electric charge between two points.

Electrical voltage is measured in volts. Where the amount of voltage of one volt is the amount of pressure required to push one ampere flow of electrons through a conductor which has a resistance of one ohm. In practice to measure the voltage in small scale commonly used measure millivolts, where 1 mVolt = 0.001 volts. Conversely for measuring voltage in high scale, used kilovolt size, where 1 kvolt = 1000 volts.

A magnitude and polarity should be established in order to explain fully the potential or voltage. The signs polarity in the circuit placed near the two conductors where the voltage is defined. Marking the polarity of the voltage on the electrical circuit is essential to facilitate the analysis of the circuit.


Pictures 1:21 Polarity Marking Source Voltage