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The Direction of Movement Electrons

Electric current opposite to the direction of flow of electrons. If the flow of electrons from the negative pole to the positive pole, the electric current from the point of positively charged toward the negative point. Because the move is an electron while the proton trtap. Turns of any material each having electron content yan is not the same, the material of the other ingredients. Olehkarena it will be known properties of the material itself with regard to the number of electrons.


1:16 Direction image motion of free electrons

As you know that the unit of electric current is the ampere (A). Conceptually expressed as a constant current in two parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible cross section, separated by a distance of one meter in vacuum (vacuum), which produces the force between the conductors of 2.0 × 10 -7 newtons per meter. Another conceptual statement that more real is the electric current generated from elektronbebas movement that carries an electrical charge, where one ampere is equivalent to one coulomb of electric charge moving on a surface dakam one second.

So that when written in the form of a variable function is i (A) = dq / dt (C / s). Derived unit of electric charge, is the coulomb (C), equivalent to ampere-seconds. The movement of electrical charges carried by free electrons can be positive or negative. Positive ions, move to the left in the liquid or plasma, as shown in Figure 1:16 (a), generates a current i, which arahny Ajuga to the left.

If the ions are moving on a flat surface S at the rate of one coulomb per second speed, it will produce one ampere currents. The negative ions move in the right direction as shown in Figure 1:16 (b), also generating electric current, which is directed to the left. If a material has a number of electrons per atom then a lot of the material is as a conductor. But if a material number of electrons is very small, these materials act as insulating material.

Unit of electric current is the ampere (A), which is taken from the name of Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) which states big one ampere is the amount of electric charge of 6.24 x 10 18 electrons, flowing at a given point in one second. So it can be concluded that 1 coulomb = 6.24 x 10 18 Elektron.Dan one ampere = one coulomb / sec. Analysis is more important in the circuit or electrical circuit is current on the metallic conductor in which the movement of free electrons take place on the skin or outer track of the structure of the atom.

For example, the copper, the electrons are in the outermost track is only weakly bound to the nuclear core so that it can move freely from one atom to the next atom in the crystal structure. At constant temperature, the constant movement of electrons is also random. As a more concrete picture of conduction in the conductor made ​​of copper are approximately 8.5 × 10 28 conduction electrons can move freely per cubic meter.

The charge carried by each electron, -e = – 1.602 × 10 -19 C, so that a current of one ampere can occur if there is 6.24 × 10 18 electrons per second moving past the conductor cross-section.