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Understanding Massa and Enterprises

Massa is the physical properties of an object, which can generally be used to measure the amount of material contained in an object. Massa is a key concept in classical mechanics and other related subjects. In International Standards, SI, mass is measured in kilograms. The tools used to measure the mass is usually scales. Unlike the weight, mass is always the same in each place. For example: our mass when on earth and in the same month, but your weight on earth and in different months.

The relationship between mass and weight is the mass (kg) multiplied by the gravitational acceleration equal to the force (N).
F = mxg
F (force) or force / weight, m is mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity / gravity (m / detik2).
Some people write the formula in the form
W = mxg
where W declared weight or weight / style.

Similar to that, the weight of an object above sea level would be greater than on the severity of the high mountain peaks. This is due to the acceleration of gravity at the poles is greater than at the equator, and the acceleration of gravity above sea level is greater than in a higher (because the distance to the center of the earth even further).

Enterprises (denoted with W from English Work) is the energy that is channeled style to an object so that the object moves. Business is defined as a line integral (the reader is not close to multivariate calculus see “Formula is” below):

Effort is a scalar quantity, which can be positive or negative. Not all styles do work. for example, the centripetal force in a circular motion uniformly distribute energy; speed of the object moving at a constant speed. This fact convinced by the formula: when the vector of force and displacement “perpendicular”, the dot their is zero.

Establishment does not always mechanical, such as electrical work, can be considered as a special case of this principle; for example, in the case of electricity, committed the charged particles move through a medium. Conduction of heat away from the body warmer to the cooler is usually not a mechanical effort, because the macroscopic size, there is no force that can be measured. At the atomic size, there is the style in which the atoms collide, but the amount is almost equal to zero effort.