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Characteristics Of Food Agronomist

  • group Cereals
    Cereals group is characterized by the same “family” is the group cereal crops or grasses (Gramineae). Some examples are: rice, wheat, corn. All three of these commodities are plant products into human food staples. The other kind of example is Jali, Cantel, Millet, which until now were used for feed (birds). The products mentioned above in the form of granules (grains), which is the outermost part is quite hard seed coat, not for consumption.
  • Group Nuts
    This group included berbintil characterized from a plant root, where root nodules are instrumental in the fixation of nitrogen from the air and on the ground for the formation of fruit. Product beans can be found in soil, may be on the ground in the form of pods. The form of products such as seeds. Some important examples are: soybeans, green beans, red beans, Bogor, and others.
  • Tubers group
    This group is characterized by the character of the products derived from the roots of the bubble. Agronomically, the group not only belong to a “family” only. Some examples are: cassava, sweet potato, arrowroot / irut, yam, Uwi. Some types of the following commodities is still debated groupings are: ginger, kencur / cikur, ginger, galangal / laos and the like. Commodities can be said as a group of medicinal plants, the vegetable group or kemlompok tubers.
  • Vegetable group
    The vegetable group is a group that is part of the vegetable food of certain tamanan used for vegetables. Part of the plant used include: the root, stem tubers, stems, leaf, or the fruit. The dominant nature of this food group is rapidly degraded even broken. Storage at low temperatures is a way that deterioration can be slowed. Onions, potatoes, kale, cabbage, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, squash, pumpkin, celery are some examples of the vegetable group.
  • Fruits group
    Included in this group is the fruit used as dessert eat. The fruit is consumed in the fresh form (cooking), or fried / boiled first example on certain types of bananas. Some examples of this group are: banana mango, soursop, guava, and many more. Such as vegetables, food groups is much too fast is severely degraded.
  • Group results for Fish
    Fish are classified into 3 types of freshwater fish, marsh water fish and saltwater fish or sea fish. Three fish species are differentiated agronomically because the environment in which his life. That difference can be seen from the characteristics contained in the fish itself. Some of the distinguishing factors in fish include scales, body shape, and fin fish. Shrimps including groups of fish. The main properties of a group of fish is quickly damaged characterized by a foul smell.
  • Livestock Product groups (meat, milk and eggs)
    Livestock cultivated for human consumption and are divided into two major groups, namely large cattle and small livestock. Cows, goats, buffalo, including big cattle, while the chickens, ducks, geese including small livestock. Livestock products utilized in the form of meat, milk or eggs. Produced from farm animals is already so much. As in the case of fishery products, the group also quickly damage or decay.