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Compounds Yodofor

These substances are always blended with a detergent in acidic conditions, therefore, suitable for use when needed cleansing acidic. Power works fast and has broad activity against microorganisms. Usually required a solution that iodine levels of 25-50 mg / l at pH 4 to disinfect surfaces clean. Its activities will be lost if there is organic matter. Iodosphor give a sign that can be seen when the effectiveness is reduced because of the color of iodine disappeared when the number dropped to levels that are not effective.

At normal concentrations of these compounds are not toxic but can increase the amount of iodine consumed. Has little odor and taste, but when mixed with substances present in foods will color food. Can be corrosive to metal, depending on the formulation and properties of surface disinfection. Therefore, it should be rinsed with water after use. Mechanism of action of antibacterial of iodine has not been studied in detail.

In general, iodine and dipoyodium acid is the active compound in destroying microbes. The main iodine compounds are used for sanitation solutions yodofor alcohol-iodine and iodine liquid. The second solution is generally used as a skin disinfectant. Yodofor has great benefits for the cleaning and disinfection of equipment and surfaces and as an antiseptic skin. Yodofor also used in water treatment.

When the element iodine complex made with non ionic surface active compounds such as condensate nonilphenol-ethylene desida or a carrier such as polyvinylpyrrolidone, water-soluble compound known as yodofor, will be formed. Yodofor, iodine compounds form the most popular today, has greater bactericidal activity under acidic conditions. Thus, these compounds are often modified with phosphoric acid.

Yodofor yng made complex with the surfactant and acid detergent membeikan properties that this complex-sanitaiser have detergent properties. These compounds have detergent properties-sanitaiser. The bactericidal compounds and compared with the water and alcoholic suspension of iodine, has a high solubility in water, odorless da is not irritating to the skin. To prepare the complex surfactant-iodine, iodine is added to the nonionic surfactant and heated to 55-65 ° C to strengthen the iodine solution and to stabilize the final product.

Eksoteranik reaction between iodine and surfactant resulted in a temperature rise depending on the type of surfactant and the ratio of surfactant to iodine. When iodine levels do not exceed the limits dissolving of the surfactant, the final product will be a water-soluble perfect. Surfactant-iodine complex behavior based on those at equilibrium R + R1 + I2 hypochlorite, wherein R represents a surfactant. Enforced iodide formed by iodine oxides will be responsible for further sisposisi of chlorine, which may be due to increased yodinasi of surfactant.

Will determine the amount of free iodine yodofor activity. Surfactant that is not decisive yodofor activity but can affect the properties of iodine baktersidal. Yodofor activity against several bacterial spores can be seen in the table.

Table 3. inactivation of bacterial spores by yodofor

The spores are more resistant to iodine than vegetative cells and turn off the contact time is approximately 10-1000 times longer than for iodine cells. Equally effective in the inactivation of vegetative cells, but iodine is not as effective as chlorine in inactivates spores. Sanitaiser type of iodine is more stable in the presence of organic matter than chlorine compounds. Therefore, iodine complexes stabilized at a very low pH, these compounds can be used at very low concentrations (6:25 ppm) and used at 12.5-25 ppm.

Sanitaiser iodine sanitaiser of lending effective than others against the virus. It only takes 6:25 ppm to escape from the test chamber within 30 minutes. Non iodine compounds can selectively shut vegetative cells and spores seta virus. Sanitaiser yodofor used at recommended concentrations, typically 50-70 mg / L of iodine-free and produce a pH of 3 or less in water with alkaline medium hardness. Excessive dilution of yodofor with highly alkaline water can greatly affect efiseiensinya because acidity is neutralized.