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Contamination Due to Dust and Dirt

Generally, cases of food poisoning is caused by food contamination by microorganisms. Food poisoning caused by microorganisms can be classified into two intoxications and infections. Intoxication is a food poisoning due to toxins produced by microorganisms. Microbes that grow in food will produce compounds that are soluble and toxic. When foods containing the toxin is consumed will be able to cause disease.

The microorganisms that cause food poisoning like this kind include Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum, C. perfringens, Bacillus cereus, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The second type of food poisoning is an infection, namely the entry of microbes in the human digestive tract. Here, the microbes will grow, reproduce, and cause illness. In this kind of infection, toxin is also produced when the organism is growing, but the main symptoms of the disease are not produced by the toxin compounds in foods when consumed but by the microbes themselves.

Dust and dirt consists of ground, dead skin, fine hairs and various other small particles. Dust and dirt is very easily blown into the food after carried into the kitchen through the clothes and shoes. Soil contains bacteria Clostridium perfringens causes food poisoning and many others.
Figure 4. The food snacks that are sold openly

Exiles (garbage)
Garbage, especially kitchen waste, rotting food contains, leftovers, leftovers peeling which all contain the bacteria. Open bins will attract flies and other pests who then carry the bacteria to the food.