Hipobarik safe methods of storage CAS emphasized the reduction in air pressure and is usually combined with a low temperature. Influence of low O2 concentration, among others, could cause respiration rate and substrate oxidation decreases and the resulting CO2 down; pending cuts; overhaul of chlorophyll delayed; C2H4 production is low; the rate of formation of reduced ascorbic acid; the degradation rate of pectin compound late; ratio of saturated fatty acids changed; decay is reduced; O2 is very low if it ferments; O2 maturation occurs there should be because it is necessary for the synthesis of C2H4 and also other reactions required for cutting.
Effect of storage of fruits and vegetables segardalam atmospheric composition high CO2 and low O2 among others, may cause respiration is inhibited; Acid buried; the formation of acetaldehyde; increase the amount of sugar; a decrease in the number of substances soluble alkali dlm; high total amount of pectin; and the reform process is inhibited chlorophyll. Respiration is hampered because of the availability of low O2 and high CO2, this results in maturation can be inhibited so that the storage life of fruits and vegetables can be extended.
The process of acid accumulation due to respiration activity decreased, an increase in the addition of CO2 or enzymes become less active. As a result of poor storage because the composition of the atmosphere is not right or the packaging is not good to make a change flesh color, taste changes, failing to mature, organic acid accumulation and tissue damage.
Meanwhile, with the high concentration of CO2 causes a decrease in the synthesis reaction of maturation; inhibition of some enzymatic activity; decreased production of volatile substance / aroma; accumulation of organic acids; slowness of solving the pectin; inhibition of the synthesis of chlorophyll and green color removal; changes comparison of various sugar; production of smell and taste undesirable; increase in pH, decreased ascorbic acid; change the color of flesh; inhibited mold growth; and inhibit the role of ethylene (C2H4).
Storage conditions (CO2, O2) of each commodity is different. For example, for:
1. Avocado
[O2] = 3-5%; [CO2] = 3-5%; temperature 5 – 70C; increases shelf life of one month.
2. Banana
Different for each of the varieties of bananas to the composition of O2 and [CO2] proper shelf life can reach 3 weeks.
3. Oranges
[O2] = 15%; [CO2] = 0%; temperature 10C; or with the [O2] = 2.5%; [CO2] = 5%; suhu10 ° C, the shelf life of 8-12 weeks.
4. Langsat
[O2] = 3%; [CO2] = 0%; a shelf life of 16 days; [N2] = 97%.
5. Mango
[O2] = 5 – 7.5%; [CO2] = 5 – 7.5%; only a few days shelf life.
6. Papaya
[O2] = 1%; [CO2] = 5%; the shelf life of 21 days is more effective if dikombinasidengan hot water treatment and irradiation.
7. Pineapple
[O2] = 2%; [N2] = 98%; temperature 7 ° C; increases the shelf life of 1-3 days (total 4 – 5minggu).
8. Beans
[O2] = 2-3%; [CO2] = 5-10%; temperature 7 ° C
9. Broccoli
[CO2] = 5-20%
10. Cabbage
[CO2] = 5.5%; [O2] = 1 – 2.5%; temperature 7 ° C
11. Carrots
[O2] = 1-2%; [CO2] = 2-4%; 2 ° C
12. Celery
[CO2] = 9%; the shelf life of 1 month.
13. Cucumbers
[O2] = 2-10%; [CO2] = 2-10%; the shelf life of 2-3 weeks.
14. Lettuce
[O2] = 3-5%; [CO2] = <1%
15. Mushrooms
[CO2] = 10-20%
16. Shallots
[O2] = 3-5%; [CO2] = 10%
17. Radish
[O2] = 5%; temperature 1 ° C
18. Sweet Corn
[CO2] = 5-10%
19. Tomato
[O2] = 3%; [CO2] = 0%; temperature 13 ° C, the shelf life of 6 weeks.