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Prevention of Cross Contamination

Factors that affect the process of cross-contamination is
a) Construction, Design and Lay Out Factory
Construction, building design, and lay out the plant can cause cross contamination of fishery products. Building the fishing industry will affect the placement of facilities and infrastructure used.
Facilities for the reception of products should always be clean, free of gravel or other materials that can be used by insects and pests to stay. Reception facilities should be covered with asphalt, cement or other materials and is equipped with adequate drainage.

To prevent cross-contamination, the placement of facilities and infrastructure in the handling or processing room should be able to separate the flow of the material that has not been clean with groove material is clean. Such separation must be sufficiently far apart to avoid the possibility of contact. The entrance and exit should always be closed and can be opened to employees, raw materials, equipment and other materials will enter or leave the processing chamber.

The building is designed such that it is able to remove the air from inside the room. Buildings should also be able to prevent the entry of insects and rodents. Window glass must be considered in number. The number of windows will affect the intensity of the entry of sunlight so it will affect the temperature of the room. Besides the work will affect the air conditioning, light intensity also affects the speed of my growth of microbial contaminants.
Figure 17. Flow of fish of different processes between the entrance and the exit

b) Employee Hygiene
Employees who are involved in the handling and processing of fishery products will affect the occurrence of cross-contamination. The uniforms were not clean can be a means for microbes cause cross-contamination. Employees are less healthy is also a source of contamination and should be forbidden to work. Before any treatment or processing of fishery products, both hands should be washed first with soap. Perform disinfection of hands or hand coverings if will touch fishery products. Use protective clothing which is waterproof.
Figure 18. Hygiene employee in one of the fishing industry

When the production process has been completed, wash your hands with a special soap, wash and dry protective clothing that is waterproof, and if necessary to disinfect hands or hand coverings. Immediately leave the room or a processing handler, open the protective clothing and store in place to prevent contamination.

c) Activity and Conduct
Activity and behavior of employees should be tailored to the type of work that is being done because it can cause cross-contamination. The habit of scratching and frolic can be a source of contamination. Fishery products which fall to the floor should not be taken and put together with the other fishery products despite the fall of the ‘not five minutes’. During work, do not have any employees who smoke, spit, eat, chew gum, or store food in the processing chamber. Concentration during the work will minimize the risk of workplace accidents. Get used to dispose of waste in place.

d) Divide Between Raw Materials
The end product of raw materials may still contain microbial contaminants, whereas the final product should already contain microbes. Measures taken to separate the raw materials and final products can reduce the chances of cross-contamination. The separation between raw material to the final product can be done by adjusting the flow of the process in such a way so there is no direct contact between the two as well as indirect contact through trade. Therefore, employees who work in the raw materials should not be in the final product.

e) Sanitary Conditions of Work Space and Equipment
Equipment used in the workspace and sanitation equipment is not maintained, it can be a source of contamination. Workspace should always be cleaned from becoming a source of cross-contamination causes (Figure 2.17). It should also be noted sanitation around the workspace that can affect the sanitary workspace. Work equipment must be available in adequate quantities, depending on the volume of work. The use of the equipment for one type of material or fishery products should be carried out strictly. Borrowing equipment from the raw material to be used in the final product should not be done in order to avoid cross-contamination.
Figure 19. Cleaning fish waste keep clean workspace