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Sanitation In Fishery Products Processing

To prevent contamination of fishery products, manufacturers have to pay attention to environmental sanitation. There are several components that must be considered in implementing environmental sanitation, namely:
1) Supply of Water and Ice
Water is an important component in the fishing industry. Water can clean contaminants from fishery products, but unclean water can cause contamination of fishery products. Water as a cleaning medium must be clean. As is the clean water is water that is free of pathogens and other pollutant sources.
Figure 15. Use of water for washing in a limited number of fish can be a source of contamination

Avoid using less water to wash a lot of fish (Figure 2.14). We recommend using clean running water for dirt of fishery products previously not contaminate fishery products are washed later. In the fishing industry, also needed ice to lower the temperature. This is due to the raw materials are relatively easy to experience the process of deterioration. As a raw material in the manufacture of ice or as raw material for fish products, water must be free of coliform and other pollutant sources. Source of water for the fishing industry can be derived from the Drinking Water Company (PAM), wells, or seawater. To ensure the cleanliness of the water should be monitored regularly every 6 months.

2) Equipment and Work Clothes
Equipment and work clothes used by workers in the handling or processing of fishery products may be a source of contamination. Equipment in direct contact with the substance or fishery products must be easy to clean, resistant to rust (corrosion), not damage, and does not react with fishery products (Figure 2.15) .Peralatan should be washed with warm water to remove the layer of fat and then rinse with clean water.

Once dry, proceed with the sterilization process. For the process of sterilization of equipment can be used water with chlorine content ranging from 100-150 ppm. To prevent recontamination, equipment that has been washed should be drained and stored in a clean place.
Figure 16. Equipment and work clothes worn guarantees fishery products produced cleaner

Equipment used to clean processing equipment and mendesinfeksinya should be available in adequate quantities. Forklift and equipment used to move the fishery products must be kept clean at all times. Various materials are used as a lubricant or processing machine tools and various chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting must be clearly labeled. This is to prevent the occurrence of errors in usage.

Work clothes used in the fishing industry must be guaranteed cleanliness. Work clothing includes boots, suits, gloves, masks and hair caps. To guarantee hygiene, work clothes should be washed every day by the company. Work clothes that have been washed clean kept in place. Shoes washed and scrubbed clean. Water used for washing shoes is water that contains chlorine levels of 150 ppm.

3) Prevention of Cross Contamination
Cross-contamination is the contamination that occurs due to direct or indirect contact between fisheries products that have been clean with fishery products that are still dirty.