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Water Quality Parameters

In terms of chemical parameters, good water is water that is not polluted by excessive by chemical substances that are harmful to health, among others, mercury (Hg), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), iron ( Fe), fluoride (F), Calcium (Ca), acidity (pH), and other chemicals. While the microbiological parameters of water used for everyday purposes must be free of pathogenic bacteria. Coli bacteria group, Salmonella, Clostridium perfingens which is an indicator of water contamination by pathogenic bacteria.

Microbiological parameters consists of total microbes, total coli, total fecal coli, Salmonella, Clostridium perfingens and others. Laboratory total coli is used as an indicator of pollution of water by feces, soil or other natural sources. While fecal coli is used as an indicator of water contamination by human or animal feces. Based on the number of coliform bacteria contained in 100 cc of water samples (Most Probable Number / MPN), water conditions are divided into several categories, namely:
a) Water without contamination; springs (artesian) free of contamination of coliform bacteria and pathogenic or toxic chemicals.
b) Water that has undergone a process of disinfection; MPN <50/100 cc
c) Water with a complete purification; MPN <5000/100 cc
d) The water with the purification is not complete; MPN> 5000/100 cc
e) Water with a special purification (water purification); MPN> 250,000 / 100 cc. MPN is the closest approximation of the number of coliform bacteria in 100 cc of water.

Pathogenic bacteria contained in the water can form toxins (poisons) after a short latency period that is several hours. Presence of coliform bacteria that is commonly found in the feces of humans and animals show a low sanitary quality of water in the procurement process. The higher the level of contamination of coliform bacteria, the higher the risk of the presence of pathogenic bacteria, such as Shigella bacteria (causes vomiting), Salmonella typhosa (the cause of typhoid), cholera, and dysentery.

While in terms of radioactivity parameters, the views are Strontium-90, Radium-226 and total β activity. Water used at the time of preparing the raw materials must comply with quality standards, in order to produce better quality food products. Clear water may not necessarily meet the requirements needed in the food industry. Olah therefore, necessary to test the water to be used.

Tests on water quality test can be done with physical, chemical, biological and organoleptic. The government has set a quality standard that can be used as a guide in determining the quality of water. Based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 416 / PERMENKES / PER / X / 1990 has set water quality requirements as presented in Table 15.

Parameter Mandatory Water
