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Overcome Noise Pollution

According to Prof. Sudiro due to noise does not mean we have to stop all progress, although it poses a risk to add new noise which may be more worrisome. “Each of the side effects as a result of technological advances, must be confronted with new technological advances”. There are four basic ways to address the noise raised, namely spatial planning is good, the use of building materials and acoustics right, manufacture sections or building a hedge (barrier) and the use of sound vibration, which means that in the near future has been and will be able to succeed.

Disturbance sound is a noise that is difficult to overcome. Noisy sound we hear is there due to the vibration of air from sources of vibration and up to our ears. Not all we can receive vibrations into sound that we can hear. The existence of the boundaries of a certain number of frequency and amplitude. In this case the noise was so many kinds, for example gemerciknya rain, thundering ocean waves and others.

But besides the natural noise that lasted millions of years, there are many more other noisy as a result of human civilization. For example Sound factory machinery, construction and litas, airplanes and others. Even the sound of music by his players a melodious voice and pleasant, but for others who are not interested even a very annoying noise. Long-term or intermediate result of noise on humans is loss of hearing.

The older the age people more power diminished hearing or in terms of its foreign presbicusis said. When a noise disturbance which often gets high sound levels, then the faster reduction hearing. Similarly, at a very high frequency for the ears deaf, hearing reduction will occur more quickly. In addition, according to saving, noise greatly affect people both psychologically and biologically.

The investigation also showed that the percentage of air around the port of illnesses arise is greater than in other areas. The miscarriage rate was also higher, even other investigations indicate that heart attacks happen at the source of noise. Other adverse influence is the deterioration of workers’ achievements. According to Dr. PG Knitschild not the natural sound of the aircraft will shorten the life of man, when ongoing.

According to Prof. Sudiro generally we do not realize that every year it bertamabah noisy average of one dB (decibel) due to the number of motors, engines, aircraft and others. Thus, penahaban noise at the end of the century could reach about 20 dB or more. The decibel is a measure of sound intensity. As a comparison can be mentioned in the short-haul aircraft has a 120 dB with consequent ear close to the limit.

Drill machine at a distance of one meter near the airfield has a 100 dB with irresistible effect. Buses and trucks at a distance of 7 meters dBnya 90. It berbaya for hearing damage when continuously. A place to stay near a major road (busy) has 60 dB, such as loud conversation at a distance of 1.5 meters. Gemerisiknya leaves its level of 20 dB (slowly), being in the desert is 10, and has usually been observed. Its desolate dB 0, that limit can not be heard.

According to Prof. Sudiro due to noise does not mean we have to stop all progress, although it poses a risk to add new noise which may be more worrisome. “Each of the side effects as a result of technological advances, must be confronted with new technological advances”. There are four basic ways to address the noise raised, namely spatial planning is good, the use of building materials and acoustics right, manufacture sections or building a hedge (barrier) and the use of sound vibration, which means that in the near future has been and will be able to succeed.