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Workplace Safety Efforts

a) Keep a clean and healthy:
(1) Workers have a sense of excitement to work
(2) It enhances the spirit and the willingness of workers
(3) It can lead to innovative and creative attitude

b) Safe:
(1) Any interference from outside, can be maintained by the guard, windows and doors are good
(2) Students can freely exit in case of fire, earthquake, etc.
(3) Construction door made:
– The width of 90 cm and a height of 2 m (minimum)
– In open out to the steeper the handle 75 cm – 110 cm
– Inter-space and adjacent to the exit.
(4) Construction stairs made:
– Angled 30º
– The minimum depth of 29 cm and a maximum height of 17 cm
– Mounted anti-slip tip section width of 2.5 cm in each rung
(5) Construction uphill road created:
– With a 10-degree angle
– Smooth and slippery

c) good lighting that can:
(1) Reduce muscle tension
(2) Facilitate eyesight and seek cleanliness
(3) Improving accuracy
(4) Increase the enthusiasm and excitement of work
(5) Using a floor area efficiently
(6) Reducing accidents

To get a good light from the sun is recommended, among others:
(a) Construction window that allows light evenly entry is the sky that can be seen by the person sitting near a window with the installation of the incoming light barrier (curtain)
(b) Area of ​​the window is made of 20% -50% of the floor area (can be 20% when the windows facing into the field)
(c) under the windows at high Threshold student desk (1.20 m)
(d) The threshold above the lowest window 30 cm and ceiling (which is either 15 cm)
(e) The distance between two windows and / or the distance between the inner wall of windows with front / rear greatest 1.5 m
(f) High ceilings of 3.25 m – 3.75 m
(g) The room with a width of> 6,50 m required glass windows, additional lighting as low as 1.20 (preferably 2,00m)
(h) space with a width of> 8.40 m required artificial illumination (electric lights)

Buildings should be made to climb to the East – West so that lighting can be obtained evenly throughout the day.

d) Temperature, humidity and air cleanliness can be set:
(1) The study / work can receive enough sunlight so moist and receive adequate ventilation.
(2) Mounted Air Conditioner (AC) in the room so that the cool air can pose a comfortable atmosphere and excitement of work
(3) Given good ventilation so that air can be changed continuously

Ventilation cultivated made for example
a. Wide hole 6% – 10% x floor area (depending on the speed of air flow)
b. Air exchange people smoke: 30m3 / hour / person

To obtain employment service set:
a. Air: 10 s / d 15 M3 / M3 broad one workspace
b. The distance between the job fast: 3 meters
c. Distance movement of workers: 2 M2 / person
d. Ideal air temperature must not be> 32 C (due to radiation)

Between space and students to turn the air on set as follows: