The last process of mapping is to create a map, either in print or digital form. To create a layout map go through the process after going through the process of setting symbology and label. 1) The first step in doing layout is enabled toolbar layout. 2) Add the data to be used in map 3) Set the layer composition, ...
Read More »Horizontal Directional Drilling
Below are some examples of reasons for directional or horizontal drilling (and Horizontal Directional Drilling). a. Inaccesible Location Drilling Some of the reservoir with the conditions on the surface that does not allow to do the drilling straight / vertical will be very suitable for being directional or horizontal drilling (and Horizontal Directional Drilling). This technique is one of the ...
Read More »Comparison Vector and Raster Model
Both raster and vector data models each have characteristics or tendencies, its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, bearing in mind that the objective nature and human needs can be different from each other and even changed from time to time, then none of the data model that really can meet all the needs of the representation and analysis of spatial ...
Read More »Persiapan Lokasi Pengeboran
Kebutuhan pertama membuat jalan tembusan menuju lokasi yang telah ditentukan tentu akan memerlukan peralatan, lahan dan personal. Jalan ke lokasi harus disurvei, untuk melihat jarak yang terpendek, keramaian jalan, kekerasan dan lebar jalan, kekuatan dan lebar jembatan. Persiapan jalan ke lokasi ini harus memperhatikan keselamatan kerja, baik terhadap pekerja, peralatan, maupun lingkungan, mengingatperalatan-peralatan pengeboran yang melintasi besar dan berat. Persiapan ...
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