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Drawing With Proportion And Composition

In drawing natural objects, objects of various kinds can be used as a drawing object. Objects can image an object, two objects, or objects with various shapes. Before the draw, some important things to note is the first observation of the structure of the object, if the object has a clear geometric structure, the geometric sketch first, but if the object has an organic structure, draw contours first. This was done to facilitate the steps in the drawing.

For the few things that must be considered in the practice of drawing the natural objects are:
1. Proportion, which is the size comparison between the parts of objects drawn
2. Composition, ie the overall composition of the object or objects that are drawn to the field of image
3. Perspective, the view matching the depth of the object or objects are drawn
4. Translate materials or textures, which form the surface of the object or objects are drawn according the nature of the material.

Figure 1:30. Sample images of natural objects (Source: Taufiq)