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Hose Fitting

After studying the possibilities of damage that occurs in the hose will be discussed later under the hose fitting. Of course that would be fitted hose meets the requirements of various factors in a hydraulic system. There are at least six rules in the installation of hydraulic hose.

1. Voltage hose must be avoided. Although the ends of the hose does not make a move with each other, should be given concessions to prevent voltage. Hoses are tense tend to stand out and weaken pressure fluid flow.

2. Fitting play should also be avoided. By using an angled connector prevents long playback. Installation of how this can be done by cutting the hose and
makes installation more neat and simple (see Figure 3. 95).

3. Avoid mounting twisted. Hose will be weak (slack) and penyambungnya loose (loose) with a twisted hose fitting either during installation or operating machinery. This can be overcome by using a hose clamp or give freedom when necessary. And keep in mind that instead of tightening the hose fitting on the hose connector.

Figure 3.88 Installation of hydraulic hose

4. Avoid friction. Hose clamps or gloves should be located free of sharp areas that move. If this is not possible, to use protection hose made ​​of spring wire or plate gloves.

5. Maybe dad hot. Laying the hose away from the surfaces (areas) are as hot as the engine manifold. If this is not possible then the hoses should be protected by using
certain materials so that heat does not terkonduksi into the hose.

6. Installation of hydraulic hose In sharp bends should be avoided. Radius hose bends depending on the construction, size and pressure. Usually manufacturing plants have   recommends certain limits for each hose bends.

At lower pressures, allowable bend sharper. If the hose re-laying may be taken to avoid sharp bend-bend. Or give extra length but excess stiffness or maintained rounds. But keep in mind only the flexible hose, instead of connecting.