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Purchase Decision

A purchase decision-making process does not end with the purchase, but followed by a stage full purchase behavior. In this stage the consumer feel a certain level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction that will affect subsequent behavior.

If consumers are satisfied, it will show a great opportunity to re-purchase or buy another product from the same company in the future. A satisfied customer will likely declare the good things about the product and the company in question to others.

Therefore, buyers are satisfied is the best advertising (Bayus in Kotler, et al., 1996). Consumers who are not satisfied will react to different actions. There is only silence and some who make complaints. In this regard, there are three types of categories of responses or complaints terhadapketidakpuasan (Singh, 1988), namely:

1. The Voice Response
This category includes businesses make complaints directly and / or seek damages to the company concerned, and to distributors. If customers do this, then the company may still obtain some benefit. First, once a customer gives an opportunity to the company to satisfy them.

Second, the risk of bad publicity can be suppressed, either publicity in the form of recommendations by word of mouth, or through newspapers / media. And no less important is the third, giving feedback about the lack of service that the company needs to be fixed. Through improvement (recovery), the company can maintain its customer relationships and loyalty.

2. Private response
The action taken by, among others, warn or inform a colleague, friend, or family about their experiences with the product or the company concerned. Generally, these actions are often performed and the impact is huge for the company’s image.

3. Third-party response
Actions taken include efforts to seek redress in the law; complain through the mass media (eg, writing in the Mail Reader); or directly go to consumer organizations, legal institutions, and so on.

Such actions greatly feared by most of the companies that do not provide good service to its customers or companies that do not have a complaint handling procedure to the general public, because it is psychologically more satisfying. Moreover, they sure will get a faster response from the company concerned.

There are at least four factors that influence whether a dissatisfied customer will make complaints or not (Engel et al in a Day., 1990). These four factors are:
1. Important whether consumption is performed, which involves the degree of importance of the product to the consumer, the price, the time required to consume the product, as well as social visibility.
2. Knowledge and experience, the number of previous purchases, understanding of the product, as consumer perceptions of ability, and experience of previous complaints.
3. Level of difficulty in obtaining compensation, covering a period of penyeleseian problems, disruption of routine activities, and costs.
4. Chance of success in making a complaint.