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Parameter Irrigation Pumps

a. atmospheric pressure Atmospheric pressure is the air pressure at any point on the Earth’s atmosphere. The air pressure in each layer mempersentasikan total mass of the airspace above those levels. Reduced air pressure at different altitudes. Although the air seems lighter, if it has a large column of air at the Earth’s surface would produce a pressure of about ...

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Pengertian Operasi Pengeboran


Operasi pengeboran merupakan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan biaya besar atau padat modal, menggunakan teknologi tinggi dan beresiko tinggi. Para personel yang bekerja pada operasi pengeboran harus mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik juga tentang keselamatan kerja. Sehingga operasi pengeboran dapat berjalan lancar, dan kecelakaan kerja dapat dihindari. Isi mata pelajaran ini lebih dititik beratkan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dasar teknik pengeboran yang meliputi pengertian ...

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Functions and Benefits Culverts

Building culverts are used to carry the flow of water both for irrigation or discharge which passes down the road. Goronggorong has a smaller cross section than the wet area upstream and downstream channels. Most of the cross section may be above the water level. In this case the culvert serves as an open channel with free flow. Figure 15. ...

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Jenis dan Penyimpanan Lumpur Pengeboran


Jenis-jenis lumpur pengeboran yang biasa digunakan antara lain : a. Water based mud : Lumpur pengeboran yang paling banyak digunakan adalah water-base mud (80%). Komposisi lumpur ini terdiri dari air tawar atau air asin, clay dan chemical additives. Komposisi ini ditentukan oleh kondisi lubang bor. b. Oil based mud : Digunakan pada pengeboran dalam, hotholes, formasi shale dan sebagainya. Lumpur ...

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Distributors Building and Dividers Water

a. Spillway (Spillway) There are three types of commonly used patronage in that spillway, Sipon spillway and spillway doors automatically. Overflow regulator is required just upstream of the building for, at the downstream end of the primary or secondary channel and in other places it deems necessary to the security of the network. Building spillway works automatically with the rising ...

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Irrigation Supplement

a. Quaternary plots Plots quarter plot named in accordance with the rotation, followed by a serial number clockwise. Rotation plots were coded A, B, C and so on clockwise. Box quarter coded K, followed by the serial number of clockwise, starting from the first quarter cribs downstream tertiary box with the highest sequence number: K1, K2 and so on. Figure ...

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