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Compilation Furnaces

Burning of ceramic objects is a stage critical enough to change the raw object (greenware) become mature hard ceramic objects. One of the capabilities that need to be mastered before burning ceramic objects is the preparation and dismantling of objects from the furnace. Before undertaking the preparation of objects in the furnace should we understand the nature of the object to be drawn up. Crude objects condition is quite fragile, so how to hold, move and place objects must be calculated correctly so raw object is not cracked, or broken into pieces before being burned.

We recommend that you also need to know how draining and treatment accurately to the finished molded object does not have cracks or damage. Preparation of objects in furnaces requires skill so that the combustion process goes well. These skills need to be owned by workers whose job burn ceramic objects that exist in the ceramic industry both small scale and large scale.

The ability to burn ceramic objects with the correct procedure is very useful to be applied in the ceramic industry as an operator on the combustion division, both with gas, oil, electricity and solid fuel.

Preparation of Safety Equipment and Supplies Furnaces
To compile and unload ceramic objects from the furnace of the type required equipment includes:

  • Rak cart / trolley
  • Plate
  • Poles
  • Stilt
  • Stake temperature (cone)
  • pyrometer

1) Workwear
Serves to protect the body / bodies.

2) Gloves (glove)
Made of leather or cloth and asbestos fibers that serve to take objects that are relatively still hot from the stove.

3) protective glasses (google).
Made of glass or mica, serves to protect the eyes from rays of flame or spark material was danger-the eye.

b. material
A necessary ingredient in the preparation of the goods, particularly the burning of the glaze is kiln wash and grog or quartz sand.
1) Quartz sand (grog)
The materials used in the top plate so that objects burned are not directly in contact with the plate so that the circulation of heat and security objects is guaranteed.

2) Clay
Quartz sand mixed with clay is also used to close the gap buffer and unstable plate to make it more stable and steady.

3) Kiln wash
Kiln wash is used to coat the plate or furnace parts to protect them from the molten glaze. In a simple kiln wash can be made from a mixture of quartz and kaolin which is the ratio of 1: 1, mixed with water and stirred, then dikuaskan on a plate to be used in combustion glaze.