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Atomic Charge

As you already know, that every atom usually has the number of protons and electrons are the same. For example a hydrogen atom has one proton and one elektron.Atom depalan protons and oxygen has eight electrons. When these conditions exist, then the electrical charge of the atom becomes neutral, because the amount of positive charge equal to the amount of ...

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Atomic Properties

Terms imposed on the ion in an atom or group of atoms to lose one or more electrons, resulting in a positive charge (commonly known as cations) in atomnya.Sebaliknya an atom or group of atoms get extra electrons so that the negatively charged (commonly known as the anion). Essential properties of protons and electrons: – The proton is 1.66 x ...

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Induktansi Pada Induktor

Kalau pada resistor, ia hanya memiliki nilai resistansi maka pada induktor dia memiliki nilai resistansi ( R ) dan nilai induktansi ( L ). Di mana besarnya nilai induktansinya tergantung pada jumlah lilitan (N), luas penampang lilitannya (A) dan panjang sumbu lilitannya (l). Secara matematik hubungannya dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut : µo adalah permeabilitas udara –> µ0 = 4π x ...

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Potensial Listrik

Sebelum membahas tentang potensial listrik, marilah tinjau ulang pemahaman kalian tentang arus listrik.Semua tentu paham bahwa arus listrik terjadi karena adanya aliran elektron dimana setiap elektron mempunyai muatan yang besarnya sama. Jika kita mempunyai benda bermuatan negatif berarti benda tersebut mempunyai kelebihan elektron. Derajat termuatinya benda tersebut diukur dengan jumlah kelebihan elektron yang ada. Muatan sebuah elektron, sering dinyatakan dengan ...

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Configure Function Generator

Function Generator is an electronic measuring tool generate, or generate a sine-shaped wave, triangle, ramp , rectangle, and pulse waveform. Function Generator generally generates frequency on the range of 0.5 Hz to 20 Mhz or more depends on the manufacturer’s design. The resulting frequency can be selected by rotating the frequency range button. The adjustable signal amplitude ranges from 0.1V ...

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Style Electrical Phenomena

After carefully studying the atomic structure, has led you on conceptual knowledge that is still associated with prior knowledge, ie electric charge. Electric charge is a term that is quite important in the world of electricity. Electric charge is the physical properties of each object. According to Benjamin Franklin, the electrical charge can be divided into two, namely a positive ...

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