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Objectives Sorting and Grading

a) Obtain better quality and uniform (both raw materials and the final product)
b) Provide the standardization and improvement of processing methods
c) Offering some quality to consumers at a price that fits kualitasa or give a higher price Untik higher quality.
d) Separating the fishery according to the type, size and degree of freshness.

Quality standard material sorting and grading results
Quality is a combination of a number of attributes of the material or food product can be assessed by organoleptic. The attributes include the parameters of appearance, color, texture, taste and smell (Kramer and Twigg, 1983). According Hubeis (1994), quality is regarded as the degree of consumer acceptance of products consumed repeatedly (uniform or consistent in standards and specifications), especially the organoleptic properties.

Quality can also be considered as a satisfaction (needs and price) obtained consumers of the integrity of the products manufacturers. Based on the ISO / DIS 8402-1992, quality is defined as the overall characteristics of a form if it is a product, activity, process, organization or person, which demonstrated its ability to meet the needs that have been determined (Fardiaz, 1997).

Kramer and Twigg (1983) has classified the quality characteristics of foodstuffs into two groups, namely: (1) physical characteristic or characteristics appear, including the appearance of the colors, size, shape and physical disabilities; kinestikayaitu texture, viscosity and consistency; flavor is a combination of smell and sensation of tasting, and (2) the hidden characteristics, namely the nutritional value and microbiological safety.

The quality of agricultural produce may be unchanged or decline. Quality control is an attempt to make the material agricultural and olahnya remain at a certain level and within the limits of tolerance that still be acceptable to consumers. To be able to control the quality of the good we need to understand the concept of quality and the factors that influence it. Factors affecting the quality of the product can be both sensory and hidden properties.

Sensorial attributes are all characteristics that can be assessed by the senses. Assessment by the senses of sight, for example: shape, size, color, luster. Assessment by the sense of touch, for example texture; with the sense of smell, for example odor, scent. While the taster senses, for example taste.

Hidden properties are properties that the assessment carried out using equipment / instruments as well as certain materials, such as chemical composition, niali nutrition and toxicity. Other factors were also considered by consumers is related thresholds are exceeded, hygiene (aesthetics), based on religion / belief (kosher) and ethics.

Factors Quality
Factors quality of agricultural products is the typical traits found in agricultural produce which can or commonly used terms in determining the quality of the material. The presence of the quality factor in a material effect on the agricultural produce material perfection. In other words, the presence of a factor in the quality of a material determines the quality of the material stage.

Judging from the way the measurement, quality factors can be classified into two groups, namely:
a. Factors that quality can be measured using human senses directly.
b. Quality factors that can only be measured by using a tool-specific equipment (instruments).